February 2016
Google Negative: Google Allows Users To Customize Their Gender
02 16 , 23:45 Filed in: News

These days to “get connected” to the word is incredibly simple. All one needs to do is get some sort of online account set up and away you go! Although, the basic questions required to enroll for an online profile for some of these social networking sites can be quite telling of upper management's thought process. For example, all one needs to do to sign up for a Google Plus account is to fill out basic information like your name, date of birth, gender and other related information. Sound easy right? Well it isn't the difficulty signing up that is the problem but rather the 'gender' selection section that poses a problem. Read More...
No Jesus, No Hope. Jews and the Old Covenant
02 16 , 18:04 Filed in: Theology

These days we hear a lot of discussions, debates, and even outright attacks on Catholic truth. One of these truths is the unchangeable defined teaching of the revocation of the covenant of the Jews with God. In other words, those claim Judaism as their faith and by extension deny the Apostolic Catholic faith cannot hope for salvation (I am not referring to those who are innocently ignorant) . No doubt, many that read this statement may be offended and even recoil at its implications and unfortunately many of those that disagree with this statement claim to be Catholic. But how is it that this covenant is now invalid? Aren't the Jews the “chosen people” of God? How is it that they are not to partake in eternity in heaven? To find the answer to these questions, we must start with holy scripture.
In the Old Testament, God made a covenant with Abraham of which He promised to bless his decedents with an eternal dwelling place. This covenant was based off of faith and therefore God fulfilled this covenant through the new covenant with His only Begotten Son, Jesus [1]. We also know from the Gospel according to John and in the First Epistle of John that no one may obtain the Father without the Son [2,3]. We even have Jesus Himself making it abundantly clear that those that deny Him, Jesus will also deny before the Father [4]. Jesus also cleared the air regarding unbelief in stating that those that deny Him as the Son of God is already condemned [5]. Some would say that this would be enough to settle the matter about the Jew's old covenant but of course even our Lord said that the Church would always be assailed by Satan even though it cannot be destroyed. And so some have misquoted Romans 11:29 saying the Jews are still among the chosen since God has not withdrawn the “gifts and calling of God”. The response to this is yes, it is true. God has not withdrawn his gifts from among the Jews nor has he stopped calling for their repentance. Especially when they denied His only Son and continue to do so, yes, he still loves them but without their conversion they cannot be saved. So therefore there are those that are severely misguided or maybe even resentful of the Church's history and lean on recent pastoral teachings for the sake of peace between different religions. These pastoral teachings, though well meaning, can have disastrous results if not first sealed with Apostolic teaching. For example, the Council of Florence (1438-1445) infallibly decreed that,
" It firmly believes, professes, and teaches that the matter pertaining to the law of the Old Testament, of the Mosaic law, which are divided into ceremonies, sacred rites, sacrifices, and sacraments, because they were established to signify something in the future, although they were suited to the divine worship at that time, after our Lord's coming had been signified by them, ceased, and the sacraments of the New Testament began; and that whoever, even after the passion, placed hope in these matters of the law and submitted himself to them as necessary for salvation, as if faith in Christ could not save without them, sinned mortally. Read More...
Mayor Michael Taylor Misinterprets Sodom and Gomorrah
02 16 , 20:41 Filed in: News

Have you ever heard of the phrase, “Ignorance is Bliss”? I can imagine that this phrase can most certainly have its benefits in providing or rather maintaining peace in the hearts of others. However, ignorance pertaining to some situations can be considered dangerous especially if you hold a position of power. It has come to the attention of many if not a few that the then Councilman Mike Taylor, now mayor, of Sterling Heights City, MI gave a painfully ignorant interpretation of the Biblical passage of Sodom and Gomorrah which was twisted in such a way that it does not apply to the condemnation of homosexuality. Although, we can thankfully take his word for it that it was “from his religious rearing” and he was reciting his understanding of the Sodom and Gomorrah story and not claiming it to be the true interpretation of the biblical passage. Nevertheless, according to Mr. Taylor the story goes, Read More...Bobby Jindal & Rick Santorum Endorse Marco Rubio
02 16 , 21:47 Filed in: News
Former Senator Rick Santorum and Bobby Jindal both give their endorsement to Sen. Marco Rubio. Rick Santorum and Bobby Jindal were two of the more conservative candidates running for president. I believe this will definitely win Rubio some points!.
Read More...God's great mercy
02 16 , 03:16 Filed in: Theology

Make no mistake about it. Our Lord Jesus Christ, True Man and True God, Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, is the source of mercy itself. Also let us not forget that Jesus Himself let us clearly know that we may ask Him for all that we need (Mathew 7:7) but do not be mislead, we are not to ask amiss (James 4:3) but rather petition Our Lord for all that would merit eternal salvation (Mathew 6:33). Jesus also made it clear that He has sent us into the world as sheep among wolves. Among countless deceptions of the wolves, one is the disorientation of mercy. We can know when mercy is being disoriented when we know what mercy actually is. In other words, if your job was to study the authenticity of dollar bills, you would not study the counterfeits as there will likely be innumerable false bills produced. No, you would study the legal tender first making sure you understood everything there is to know about what makes it authentic down to the minuet detail. Likewise we are to understand the difference between true and false mercy. As I said, there are wolves among us that they would have us to believe that mercy has no prerequisites. Yes, I said prerequisites. Let me explain... Read More...