Catholic Blog
father john corapi

Fr. John Corapi Update

Over the past few years, you may have heard some rumors about Fr. John Corapi. Many have speculated that Fr. John Corapi was involved in some sexual misconduct (not necessarily criminal rather immoral) while others have maintained his innocent.

According to RenewAmerica.Com Fr. John Corapi "remains in the priesthood and is re-establishing his spiritual life."

Fr. John Corapi has been known as a good Catholic priest before the alleged misconduct. Personally, I am glad to hear this great news that Fr. Corapi is still active in his priestly vocation and we as Catholics should all say a thanksgiving prayer to Almighty God.

One thing we should all remember whether or not we are falsely or legitimately accused, and that is that God's mercy is greater than any sin. We can ask for God's mercy until our final breath.

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