offical Catholic teaching
Time Magazine Cleary Does Not Understand The Catholic Church
02 14 , 02:56 Filed in: News

On February 9, 2014 Time Magazine in an article entitled “Poll: Catholic Beliefs at Odds With Vatican Doctrine” reports “On issues like contraception, gay marriage, divorce and women’s admittance into the priesthood, the church is at odds with a majority of Catholics in many countries across the world, the poll shows.”
There is a lot of Catholics who either do not understand, choose to ignore or out right reject many Catholic doctrines. The group that out right reject Catholic doctrines are an odd group. Why be Catholic then if you do not believe in Catholic doctrine?
The New York Times admits that the Pope Francis “has yet to issue any fundamental changes in doctrine.” The Times seems to suggest by the words “has yet” that the Church might actually change doctrine. The Church however can never change fundamental doctrine! Catholic fundamental doctrine is unchanging. The Catholic Church has never and will never change any official teaching. I dare you to look at the Church’s 2000 plus history. You will not find ANY official Catholic Church doctrine that has ever been changed! Catholic official teaching is infallible. Any Catholic waiting for an official teaching to change can stop waiting because official Catholic Church teachings will never change!
I recommend that Time Magazine starts to do some research before it reports. The magazine sounds uneducated to a trained mind.