Eastside Catholic High School
Homosexual Vice Principals Sues Archdiocese
03 14 , 20:37 Filed in: News

LifeSiteNews.com reports that former vice principal for Eastside Catholic High School is currently suing the Seattle Archdiocese claiming the Catholic school forced him to resign, because of his recent so called “gay marriage” even though he mutually agreed to resign. I think he deserved to be fired even if he did not resign. Is that harsh? NOT at all. This vice principal signed a contract before he was hired to follow Catholic Church teachings. He went directly against the Church’s teachings; thus, he deserves to be terminated. Period. There is no ifs or buts.
Just imagine the parents paying for a Catholic education just to find out that the vice principal is against the core values of the Catholic faith. According to Lifesite News, “The students at Eastside Catholic have been especially vocal in their outrage over the resignation.” Ladies and gentlemen the devil has been convincing the kids that there is nothing wrong with homosexual sins. However, the Catholic Church speaks the clear truth that homosexual actions, that go without repentance, can lead a person into eternal hell fire. The Church, by preaching that homosexuality is a sin, is doing a great services to everyone.
The primary purpose of the Church is the salvation of souls. Individual Catholic churches, schools, and institutions are vehicles to achieve this primary purpose.
As individuals, we must not be shy to proclaim the truth. Do not be afraid to speak the truth of the Church to gay and straight people alike. Pray with and for gay people. Here is an edited portion of A Spiritual Warfare Prayer that might be helpful:
In the name of Jesus, I rebuke you spirit of homosexuality, I command you to go directly to Jesus, without manifestation and without harm to ______________ (person’s name) , me and anyone else so that Jesus can dispose of you according to His Holy Will.