President-elect Trump Speaks To 60 Minutes About Abortion & So Called Gay "Marriage"

As many know, our website endorsed Trump for President so I want to take a second and congratulate Trump for his win and I pray that he truly will cooperate with God to make America great again!
On November 13, 2016, President-elect Trump spoke to 60 Minutes reporter Lesley Stahi. Two non-negotiable issues for Catholic arose. The first is the so-called "gay" marriage. Below is their exchange.
The Catholic Church vs Clinton Campaign

If a Catholic chooses to adhere to the Apostolic teachings of the Church and has the gift of faith at least the size of a mustard seed, then you should be more than a little concerned about Hillary Clinton and the agents of her campaign. It would be bad enough if she continued on in supporting advances on homosexual “marriages”, partial-birth (and all forms of) abortion, criminal tax hikes on the already exhaustively taxed middle class, the outright negligent use of classified information, the mysterious deaths of the Clinton family's opponents or former associates, and the list goes on. But here recently, the world was revealed to the Clinton campaign machine's attitude toward the Catholic faithful, specifically.
“Email exchanges—hacked from Hillary campaign chairman John Podesta—between Hillary campaign spokeswoman Jenifer Palmieri and senior fellow at the Center for American Progress John Halpin from April of 2011 mock conservative media mogul Rupert Murdock for raising his children Catholic. According to Hillary's inner circle, Catholics are phonies, only opting to be public Catholics because being an Evangelical is socially unpalatable, and attracted to "severely backwards gender relations.”
“It’s an amazing bastardization of the faith. They must be attracted to the systematic thought and severely backwards gender relations and must be totally unaware of Christian democracy,” said Halpin.
“I imagine they think it is the most socially acceptable politically conservative religion. Their rich friends wouldn’t understand if they become evangelicals,” Palmieri responded.
“Excellent point,” Halpin replied. “They can throw around ‘Thomistic’ thought and ‘subsidiarity’ and sound sophisticated because no one knows what the hell they’re talking about.”
We also know for a fact and straight from her own mouth that she stands as an enemy to the Apostolic faith from such quotes as,
“Laws have to be backed up by resources and politically will. And deep-seated religious beliefs have to be changed.” - Hillary Clinton, April 23rd, 2015 – Speech delivered at Women's World Summit
And what makes it worse is that a “Catholic” is her running mate, Tim Kaine. This man dares to make no distinction between his fowl political allegiances with Planned Parenthood and LGBT and the Catholic faith! Tim Kaine on several occasions has been quoted in the 'hopes for the Church's stance to change on homosexuality' and when asked about Hillary's progressive abortion stances, he makes a nose dive into 'extreme cases' when her policies do not call for such obscure causes of rarity. But instead, Hillary's policies open flood gates for countless innocent children to be slaughtered even up to the last day before being born! You ask, what is her attitude toward the Church? Hatred, disgust, disdain, rebellious, proud, obstinate, and unrepentant. If we are to delude ourselves into thinking that just because a so-called cafeteria Catholic like Tim Kaine is her running mate, that she somehow is square with the Church, then we are lost as a people. Even if we had not been revealed to these and many other emails revealing her (and those she surrounds herself with) attitude toward the Church, we can see the fruits she produces...and they are thoroughly rotten. Make no mistake and let me be clear on this; Hillary Clinton and those that side with her are making war against the Holy Roman Catholic Church and because it is the Mystical Body of Christ, these unfortunate souls are at war with Christ Himself. May God have mercy on all of them so that they may repent! Read More...
Offer It Up
Offer It Up

We all have bad days. Sometimes we do not get what we want and that can make us sad or even upset. When we go through a hard time we usually call that a suffering. When we suffer it is hard to know what to do. We can even wonder why we have to suffer in the first place. Questions on what to do and why bad things happen to good people can sometimes make us confused and angry. And when our emotions are hurt we need to do the best thing to make us feel better. This is one of many reasons why we pray to God for help. But how should we pray especially when we are hurt? Read More...
On Loneliness
As Christ once said, “In the world you shall have distress,” or in other words, while we live on this earth we will always be faced with sufferings. Of the many crosses we are sure to bear, loneliness is one of those sufferings. Though there are many kinds of sufferings to be had which vary in severity depending on the circumstance; loneliness altogether is a silent pain. For each of us at one time or another has experienced harsh loneliness. The pain of missing companions or having no one to turn to for every day struggles or even just to talk. How are we to cope with such an emptiness especially through the eyes of the Church? As stated before, Christ did say that in this world we would have much distress but rest of that scripture reads, “but have confidence, I have overcome the world,” where that might sound 'easier-said-than-done', there is great truth in this.
Catholic Solution For Gaining Patience
“Patience is power.
Patience is not an absence of action;
rather it is "timing"
it waits on the right time to act,
for the right principles
and in the right way.”
- Bishop Fulton Sheen
“Let nothing perturb you, nothing frighten you. All things pass. God does not change. Patience achieves everything.”
- St. Teresa of Ávila
Have patience with all things, But, first of all with yourself.
- St. Francis De Sales
In a world such as ours with all the troubles that come within an inch from our noses to a mile away, how are we supposed to exercise patience? Some of us are naturally inclined to be low key and do not let life's little (or big) downs get to them. However, there others that seem to have been born with a short fuse and any amount of spark can make an explosion. Where this may be so for most, there are those that often vary in between the two extremes. Either way, patience is hard to come by on a daily basis. Though this may be true, we must understand that patience is not just having a good mood or even forcing it to make it through something but rather a virtue. We lose sight of this reality especially when we are in the heat of a moment that requires patience. Remember, that those that are deemed Blessed or Canonized as Saints did not only perform heavenly miracles but they also practiced virtues. These virtues that were practiced did not come by their own strength but by graces given by God. And guess what? Those holy men and women ASKED for the graces!
Read More...Saint Patrick, A Solid Catholic Bishop

Catholic School Teachers Whine and Cry That Catholic Schools Want to Teach Catholic Teachings

Have you been watching the news lately? Catholic school teachers are crying and complaining that Catholic schools are putting morality clauses in their contracts. For example Bishop Richard Lennon (Diocese of Cleveland) is asking teachers to sign a morality clause that bans "public support of positions contrary to Roman Catholic teaching."
Are these teachers really crying about this? They work for a Catholic School. The BIGGEST distinguishing factor between Catholic school over that of a secular school is Catholicism. So are these Catholic schools asking too much from teachers? Imagine if the roles are reversed. What if a so called “gay marriage” society group told its employees to sign a contract saying they will ban public support for the traditional marriage movement, would all the news outlets go crazy and call the “gay marriage” society group intolerant? Of course not!
I encourage Bishop Richard Lennon to stick his ground and continue to be a good shepherd to his sheep. We are at war with the devil, and only by the Grace of God we can win. These teachers need to stop whining and crying.
So called "Gay Marriage" is Legal in MI

Michigan judge strikes down a law that bans same sex marriage. In 2004, the people in Michigan voted to keep the marriage between one man and one women Friday March 21, 2014, Judge Bernard Friedman went directly against the will of the people and lifted the ban against so called “gay marriage.”
Homosexual Vice Principals Sues Archdiocese reports that former vice principal for Eastside Catholic High School is currently suing the Seattle Archdiocese claiming the Catholic school forced him to resign, because of his recent so called “gay marriage” even though he mutually agreed to resign. I think he deserved to be fired even if he did not resign. Is that harsh? NOT at all. This vice principal signed a contract before he was hired to follow Catholic Church teachings. He went directly against the Church’s teachings; thus, he deserves to be terminated. Period. There is no ifs or buts.
Just imagine the parents paying for a Catholic education just to find out that the vice principal is against the core values of the Catholic faith. According to Lifesite News, “The students at Eastside Catholic have been especially vocal in their outrage over the resignation.” Ladies and gentlemen the devil has been convincing the kids that there is nothing wrong with homosexual sins. However, the Catholic Church speaks the clear truth that homosexual actions, that go without repentance, can lead a person into eternal hell fire. The Church, by preaching that homosexuality is a sin, is doing a great services to everyone.
The primary purpose of the Church is the salvation of souls. Individual Catholic churches, schools, and institutions are vehicles to achieve this primary purpose.
As individuals, we must not be shy to proclaim the truth. Do not be afraid to speak the truth of the Church to gay and straight people alike. Pray with and for gay people. Here is an edited portion of A Spiritual Warfare Prayer that might be helpful:
In the name of Jesus, I rebuke you spirit of homosexuality, I command you to go directly to Jesus, without manifestation and without harm to ______________ (person’s name) , me and anyone else so that Jesus can dispose of you according to His Holy Will.
Padre Pío
Padre Pio

On May 25th, 1887 a young boy by the name of Francesco Forgione was born in the small farm town of Pietrelcina, Italy. Francesco came from a very faithful family, and they noted that from a very young age he showed exceptional spirituality and faith. He loved attending church, and dedicated his life to God at age 5. From before this age and beyond, he was constantly praying and thoroughly enjoyed it. As a child he was able to see and communicated with his guardian angel. He was also consistently communicating with Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary. When this was discovered, he was surprised to know that this was not regular, and that not everyone experiences these gifts. At age 15 he attended the noviate of the Capuchin Order of the Friars Minor in Marcone, Italy. The other students at the noviate noted that he had a profound love for prayer, which set him apart from them. Francesco Forgione was ordained on August 10th, 1910, officially entering priesthood. During his initial years of priesthood, he found that celebrating mass was his most spiritually rooted activity. His masses often lasted several hours, with many emotional pregnant pauses in his speech. Read More...
"[T]he Kingdom of God is within you" (Luke 17:21)
God in near - "nearer to us than we are to ourselves." Perhaps we might even say that God is too close for comfort. But when we pray the first line of the Our Father ("Our Father who art in Heaven"), we are reminding ourselves (in a truly poignant moment of adoration) that God dwells within our souls. This is a point of great significance. It helps to bring alive the Our Father prayer.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) states in paragraph 2794 that "Our Father who art in heaven is rightly understood to mean that God is in the hearts of the just, as in his holy temple." Again, these are truly profound words; they help to awaken in our hearts a profound realization that through sanctifying grace God indwells our souls. Here is the full and very striking text of CCC 2749:
"Who Art in Heaven" This biblical expression does not mean a place ("space"), but a way of being: it does not mean that God is distant, but majestic. Our Father in not "elsewhere": he transcends everything we can conceive of his holiness. It is precisely because he is thrice-holy that he is so close to the humble and contrite heart.
"Our Father who art in Heaven" is rightly understood to mean that God is in the hearts of the just, as in his holy temple. At the same time, it means that those who pray should desire the one they invoke to dwell in them" (quoting Saint Augustine).
"Heaven could also be those who bear the image of the heavenly world , and in whom God dwells and tarries"
(quoting Saint Cyril of Jerusalem).
My dear friend, we begin the practice of contemplative prayer (active contemplation) precisely when we begin to "lovingly contemplate" the presence of God within us. It is the deep recollection of God's interior presence which helps greatly to mold saints! What a striking invitation the Our Father prayer gives us to spend some time in silence deeply recollecting the interior presence of God. Vocal prayer is tremendously important; and so too is meditative prayer, especially on the mysteries of our Lord's life, but contemplative prayer (which seeks interior union with God) is the pathway of great holiness.
The CCC has an entire section on contemplative prayer, beginning at
2709 through 2719. But as a practical matter, you can begin a simple form of contemplative prayer merely by recollecting the interior presence of God within your soul whenever you say, "Our Father Who Art in Heaven."
In fact, I remember Father Garrigou-LaGrange recommending that we sometimes pray the "Our Father" very slowly. The “method” employed here can be quite quick and simple: in a moment, in a flash, you gaze inwardly at God’s presence within you as you say, “Our Father who Art in Heaven.” This isn’t hard, but rest assured it is very beneficial!
I do hope that this note "ups" your appreciation of the first line of the Our Father, and thus your personal love of God. Saint Paul and Saint John were no doubt great contemplatives, and so too Saint Teresa of Avila and Saint John of the Cross, but the Virgin Mary was the greatest of all contemplatives (a point made by Father Garrigou-LaGrange). Mary's awareness of God's presence within her compels her to acknowledge: -
"My soul doth magnify the Lord" (Luke 1:46)