Ashton Kutcher
04 15 , 02:20 Filed in: News

The developing firestorm around the Religious Freedom Restoration Act has opened yet another door to weaken the moral fiber of our nation. We can choose to act to close the door or witness further deterioration. It is people of faith who are being discriminated against; it is a violation of a person’s faith and their right to exercise that faith.
Modeled after the federal law passed in 1993, the Indiana's Religious Freedom Restoration Act protects religious liberty against government overreach. It allows people with religious beliefs the chance to argue in court against government laws and regulations. Indiana COULD have been the 20th state to protect religious liberty and against government discrimination. But similar to Judas on Holy Thursday, Indiana's lawmakers and enforcers choose to betray Jesus for silver coins. Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, who initially passed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act that would protect religious liberty, signed into law a bill today that will prohibit any business the right to refuse services based “on sexual orientation or gender identity.” What does all this mean? Simply put, State of Indiana lawmakers gave the middle finger to businesses with religious beliefs.
Why the change of heart you ask? Big businesses threatened boycotts! Business such as Apple, Walmart,, and Angies List.
And Satan entered into Judas, who was surnamed Iscariot, one of the twelve. And he went, and discoursed with the chief priests and the magistrates, how he might betray him to them. And they were glad, and convenanted to give him money. And he promised. And he sought opportunity to betray him in the absence of the multitude. (Luke 22:3-6)
As stated by Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, “the only bigotry to be tolerated is their own bigotry against religious beliefs.” It appears that their freedoms are the only ones that matter.
Persons’ rights come from God and not government. Article I of the Bill of Rights states: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. The role of government is to protect the inherent rights and freedoms of its people, NOT to attack and destroy them. “The law is used as a defense against lawsuits or government action, not as an aggressive action against others” (Mollie Hemingway, Federalist senior editor).
Religion doesn’t tell you it’s ok to discriminate, it tells you to obey God’s law and, because someone refuses to accept God’s law, or the belief that God exists, that doesn’t give them right to discriminate against those who do.
Absent strong objection to these tactics, be prepared for the next momentum of pressure to obliterate religious expression. Counter boycotts are in order. Withdraw support of those organizations opposed to freedom of religious expression.
- Apple
- Angies List (call them them at 1-888-944-5478 and cancel your membership and DEMAND the 110% refund that they promise)
- Walmart
- Disciples of Christ (do not let their name fool you, Judas was also a disciple)
- National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)
- Former Disney star Miley Cyrus
- Actor Ashton Kutcher
- Former CNN host Larry King