Catholic Courage
Gaining Courage
11 16 , 20:25 Filed in: Solutions

The principal act of courage is to endure and withstand dangers doggedly rather than to attack them. - St. Thomas Aquinas
We find ourselves constantly bombarded by unbelievable forces of ignorance and outright wickedness. Depraved and deplorable acts of unmerciful hatred committed against the innocent and helpless as well as degenerate minds of tyrants gaining ground in both secular and religious frameworks. No matter where we look, it seems as though bad news is never too far away. The path our country is on barely gives a spark of hope as to a restoration of truth, justice, mercy, and Christ centered communities. It seems as though all hope is lost or is it? What does it mean to be courageous especially in the face of all the enemies of true religion and peace among men? How can we rediscover courage in a land seemingly stricken with despair and lawlessness? Read More...