God's great mercy
02 16 , 03:16 Filed in: Theology

Make no mistake about it. Our Lord Jesus Christ, True Man and True God, Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, is the source of mercy itself. Also let us not forget that Jesus Himself let us clearly know that we may ask Him for all that we need (Mathew 7:7) but do not be mislead, we are not to ask amiss (James 4:3) but rather petition Our Lord for all that would merit eternal salvation (Mathew 6:33). Jesus also made it clear that He has sent us into the world as sheep among wolves. Among countless deceptions of the wolves, one is the disorientation of mercy. We can know when mercy is being disoriented when we know what mercy actually is. In other words, if your job was to study the authenticity of dollar bills, you would not study the counterfeits as there will likely be innumerable false bills produced. No, you would study the legal tender first making sure you understood everything there is to know about what makes it authentic down to the minuet detail. Likewise we are to understand the difference between true and false mercy. As I said, there are wolves among us that they would have us to believe that mercy has no prerequisites. Yes, I said prerequisites. Let me explain... Read More...