Padre Pío
Padre Pio

On May 25th, 1887 a young boy by the name of Francesco Forgione was born in the small farm town of Pietrelcina, Italy. Francesco came from a very faithful family, and they noted that from a very young age he showed exceptional spirituality and faith. He loved attending church, and dedicated his life to God at age 5. From before this age and beyond, he was constantly praying and thoroughly enjoyed it. As a child he was able to see and communicated with his guardian angel. He was also consistently communicating with Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary. When this was discovered, he was surprised to know that this was not regular, and that not everyone experiences these gifts. At age 15 he attended the noviate of the Capuchin Order of the Friars Minor in Marcone, Italy. The other students at the noviate noted that he had a profound love for prayer, which set him apart from them. Francesco Forgione was ordained on August 10th, 1910, officially entering priesthood. During his initial years of priesthood, he found that celebrating mass was his most spiritually rooted activity. His masses often lasted several hours, with many emotional pregnant pauses in his speech. Read More...
Saint Patrick, A Solid Catholic Bishop


"These desires to satiate the longings of Our Lord for souls of the poor — for pure victims of his love — goes on increasing with every Mass and Holy Communion" (Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta).
Sometimes we get into a rut and we almost begin taking Holy Communion for granted. We must resist this temptation towards tepidity because Holy Communion is a great gift from Jesus - a priceless treasure. One Holy Communion, says Father Faber, is enough to make a saint. Faber says, "No one can tell how much grace lies in a single Sacrament. In a single communion lies all grace; for in it is the Author and Fountain of all grace...." (The Precious Blood, page 116).
Blessed Mother Teresa was born on August 26, 1910 (about 50 years after Father Faber's death). The Church across the street from her house was named The Sacred Heart of Jesus. Mother Teresa - then known as Gonxha (Agnes) Bojaxhiu - made her First Holy Communion when she was only five and one half years old! But as Father Brian Kolodiejchuk M.C. (the postulator for her Canonization) relates, Mother Teresa received "an exceptional grace" on "the day of her first Holy Communion" which "fueled her desire to take this daring step into the unknown" (to form the Missionaries of Charity). Father Kolodiejchuk is referring to a letter written by Mother Teresa in 1947 to Archhbishop Perier of Calcutta wherein she related:
"From the age of 5 1/2 years, -when first I received Him [Jesus] - the love for souls has been within-It grew with the years - until I came to India - with the hope of saving many souls" (Mother Teresa: Come Be My Light, Doubleday, page 15)
Saint Therese of Lisieux - Mother Teresa's namesake - also received exceptional graces when she made her first Holy Communion at age eleven. The Saint - describing her first Holy Communion "as a flood of divine joy" - relates the following in her autobiography, The Story of a Soul:
"Oh how sweet the first kiss of Jesus was! It was a kiss of love. I knew that I was loved and I declared: 'I love you and I give myself to you forever!' ...on that day it was no longer a matter of gazing: it was a union. There were no longer two of us . Therese had disappeared like a drop of water in the depth of the ocean. Only Jesus remained...." (Image Books, page 52).
Returning to Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Gina Loeher describes Mother Teresa's profound Eucharistic faith in the quote which follows:
"Mother Teresa believes that the union the sisters experience with Jesus in Holy Communion is inseparable from their lives. He himself renews and refreshes them every morning at Mass. 'Our life is linked to the Eucharist,' [Mother Teresa] would say. She also stated simply that without beginning each day with Jesus in Communion, 'we could do nothing.'" (The Four Teresas, page 91)
The next Communion you receive will be the first Holy Communion of the rest of your life. There is no greater privilege in your life than to receive Jesus in Holy Communion.
“If thou didst know the gift of God" (John 4:10).
Reference: The material for this note comes from the books referenced in the note. John 4:10,referring to the living waters of baptism (the prelude to the gift of the Eucharist). See Ignatius Catholic Study Bible, page 168.