Google Negative: Google Allows Users To Customize Their Gender

These days to “get connected” to the word is incredibly simple. All one needs to do is get some sort of online account set up and away you go! Although, the basic questions required to enroll for an online profile for some of these social networking sites can be quite telling of upper management's thought process. For example, all one needs to do to sign up for a Google Plus account is to fill out basic information like your name, date of birth, gender and other related information. Sound easy right? Well it isn't the difficulty signing up that is the problem but rather the 'gender' selection section that poses a problem. Here to explain this issue is none other than Rachael Bennett, a Google software engineer partly responsible for the following:
December 9th 2014 - For many people, gender identity is more complex than just "male" or "female." Starting today, I'm proud to announce that Google+ will support an infinite number of ways to express gender identity, by giving you the option to customize the way your gender is represented on your profile. Previously, we provided options for “Male,” “Female,” and “Other,” to encompass both those who don't fit into the traditional gender labels and those who don't want to declare their gender to the world at large. Now, the gender field on your profile will contain four entries, “Male,” “Female,” “Decline to state,” and “Custom.” When “Custom” is selected, a freeform text field and a pronoun field will appear. You can still limit who can see your gender, just like you can now. We’ll be rolling this feature out for all users over the next few days. Many thanks to the people and groups who gave us advice on the best ways to do this. Your input has been really valuable to us, and we hope you like the result!"

Let's start from the beginning. Mrs. Bennett (and mostly Google) helped create a new way to give place to the transgender society by, at first allowing the feature of 'Other' besides male or female as choices for gender. It was bad enough that 'other' could be a selection as it embraces this disordered error of homosexuality. It is as if, according to Google, the clay has a right to correct the potter [1]and dare to embrace transsexual agendas as if it were as normal as a male or female. For what else could 'other' imply than something that is neither (or both) male or female? But of course, it gets worse. She goes on to proclaim an update to the gender selections by removing 'other' and adding 'Decline to state' and 'Custom'.
Now I can see at least one reason why the 'decline to state' option would be there for purposes that an individual would not want their employment opportunities impeded by their gender (unfortunately sexism can still be found among employers) but 'Custom'? Through the 'custom' selection, you are provided a “free-form text field” to basically redefine your own sexual identity. By having this available for the public to not only see but participate in is nothing short of madness. An out of touch with reality that has grown from confusion to aggression against the Catholic order. And when I say, “madness” and “out of touch with reality” I mean that quite literally. Allow Dr. Paul McHugh, Psychiatrist from John Hopkins Hospital '[2], weigh in on the transgender question,
“This intensely felt sense of being transgendered constitutes a mental disorder in two respects. The first is that the idea of sex misalignment is simply mistaken – it does not correspond with physical reality. The second is that it can lead to grim psychological outcomes.”
He continues,
“And so at Hopkins we stopped doing sex-reassignment surgery, since producing a ‘satisfied’ but still troubled patient seemed an inadequate reason for surgically amputating normal organs,” said Dr. McHugh. Sex change’ is biologically impossible,” said McHugh. “People who undergo sex-reassignment surgery do not change from men to women or vice versa. Rather, they become feminized men or masculinized women. Claiming that this is civil-rights matter and encouraging surgical intervention is in reality to collaborate with and promote a mental disorder.”
That may all be relevant to scientific matters but does this affect the faith? Without a doubt it does! When a society rejects the obtainable truth it then quite literally loses perspective on sanity as well as sanctifying grace. When sanctifying grace is severed there cannot be hope for salvation nor a desire for it. Moreover, by denying Him and His Church (both laity and ordained) God withdraws his grace and sadly is not obligated to return as Saint Paul tells us,
[10] And in all seduction of iniquity to them that perish; because they receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. Therefore God shall send them the operation of error, to believe lying: [11] That all may be judged who have not believed the truth, but have consented to iniquity. - 2 Thes. 10-11 Douay-Rheims
Google and similar social media giants have largely given into the world's sick definition of what mankind truly is. They have, like Adam and Eve, fallen into the snare of believing the serpents lies and accepted the error that man can become a god. If we are able to question sanity in regards to our very DNA then there is nothing we won't question and even overthrow to get what we think is best for us.
It reminds me of a scene from the movie called Stonehearst Asylum where a new psychiatrist visits the asylum and the head psychiatrist (played by Ben Kingsley) shows him a patient that is so out of touch with reality, he actually believes he is an Arabian Stallion. The patient trots up to the viewing window and snarls at the new doctor and misbehaves. The head psychiatrist then threatens to suspend grooming for a week if he does not settle down and the patient immediately behaves. When the new psychiatrist asks, “Grooming? Isn't that re-enforcing his delusion?” Ben Kingsley's character flatly responds, “Yes!” Astonished, the new doctor reminds the head psychiatrist that the purpose of the medical field is to cure mankind and without missing the beat the head psychiatrist responds, “To what purpose?”
The new psychiatrist says, “to bring them back to their senses.” The head psychiatrist coldly says, “...And make a miserable man out of a perfectly happy horse.”
This is loosely the formula used to re-enforce this satanic delusion of the transgender/homosexual mindset. We pander to this disordered way of thinking and do all that we can to give place for it; this disease infects the minds of millions, in our laws, our schools, and unfortunately inside the post-concillar Church. Those that promote the transgender/homosexual agenda truly believe gender is nothing more than a social construct that can be erased and rewritten at any given time. Even though all this is true, we must be moved to love the sinner but detest the sin. As the young optimistic psychiatrist said to the hardhearted head psychiatrist, we must do all that we can “to bring them back to their senses”.
- 1. Romans 9:21
- 2.