3 Things to Discuss During Thanksgiving Dinner: Religion, Politics & Money
11 16 , 17:57 Filed in: Opinion

This Thanksgiving to talk about religion, politics, and money.
1) Religion
Whether you are having Thanksgiving with family or friends, you have the duty to preach the Good News. While it might create some hurt feelings, we've all had our feelings hurt and it is hard to have a large family dinner without offending anyone. God has given you all your family and friends for a good reason. So step up and bring up Jesus ‘mercy and love to the table.
2) Politics
Certainly, politics and religion intersect at times. It is a good time to remind all the anti-life supporters that Abortion is baby killing, that so-called gay “marriage” is not marriage at all, and that assistant suicided or so-called mercy killing is an act that lacks mercy. While avoiding politics could be a smart move in certain circumstances, you'll need to consider whether talking about political issues that cross over to religion can help a family or friend’s immortal soul. Be warned: Some will be upset, but as long as you keep your eyes on Jesus and speak with an intention to bearing good fruit than speak up.
3) Money
Money and more specifically materialism have entered the Thanksgiving dinner. People look forward to Black Friday more so than getting to gather with family and friends in Thanksgiving. Explain to your family and friends that loving anything more than God is sinful. Encourage to people to spend time with God in thanksgiving. It is not a sin to buy nice things, but being attached to them can be. As people, we are always searching for things to make us happy. We might sometimes try to buy or get things that we think will make us happy. But not too long after we buy or get such things we start to feel like we want other things to make us happy. For example, we might think the new Xbox will make us happy, so we buy it. It might make us happy for a little while, but as soon as a new version comes out we are no longer happy with the old version because now we want the new version. Again we might think that the new version will make us happy, but that happiness will usually last only until a newer version comes out. Our hearts seem to always want more. Maybe God has made our hearts always wanting more; our hearts can never be happy with anything other than God because God has made us for Himself. God loved us so much that He wants our hearts to keep wanting until it finds Him (God).
If you love someone, you want the best for them. For example, your mom probably makes you a healthy dinner instead of giving you junk food because she loves you and wants the best for you. God also loves you and wants the best for you. God wants the greatest happiness for your and He wants it to last forever. Only God can provide happiness that lasts forever which is why our hearts can never be happy without God.
So remember this Thanksgiving to talk about religion, politics, and money.