How to Persevere?
12 16 , 22:01 Filed in: Solutions

We all have it in us, in a sense, to push forward. We can motivate ourselves in many ways to get done what is necessary in life. Sometimes we are motivated by things that are good and other times things we think are good. However we when think, by our own strength only, we can persevere then we shall find ourselves terribly lacking. We often fool ourselves into thinking that we are strong enough to do everything on our own. We busy ourselves with so much and give little time for prayer, reading scripture or writings of the saints. The struggle becomes much more evident when we find ourselves battling against particular temptations that we are accustomed to being enslaved by. Most of us fall into similar patterns of rise, fall, confess, penance, and right back to rise, fall, confess and penance again. This vicious cycle may be an honest attempt at perseverance in holiness but it also may be the fruits of a lethargic soul whose conscience is withering away. This kind of cycle can lead, if not tempered with spiritual warfare, to an openness to commit sin without fear because confession is accessible. In this mindset, absolution holds no assistance for this lost soul as there is no sign of true contrition nor any desire to amend sinful ways. But aside from this, we must recognize that the struggle, not the tolerance, against sin is necessary. Take notice that Jesus told His disciples that He came to “free captives from their captivity”. Jesus is saying outright that those that commit sin are slaves to sin. Think of it if you will, a human being enslaved by something? You have lost your freedom because of this. Does this not upset you? Does this not make you want to rise up against your cruel slave master? Then do so by going to the one who breaks the bonds and chains of the very sin you have given room to operate in your life!
You may wonder why, in this discussion about perseverance, am I talking about falling into sin in the first place. Shouldn't this be a discussion of how to avoid sin or rather how to maintain a holy life? It could be, if we weren't so broken in the first place. Wounded souls for Christ are those who seek to know Him but find themselves unable to recognize that His grace is sufficient for them to overcome. Where would you be without your struggles? What kind of follower of Christ would you be if your path was short, pleasant, with everything in clear sight? One without faith for sure! You persevere only when you recognize your absolute dependency on Christ, even when we fall. We offer up our sufferings for the sake of His holy design for our lives. My friends, pray in such a way that would make it impossible for God to ignore you. Plead God for graces not things or outcomes in life. Pray for the grace of supernatural trust in Jesus no matter what happens in your life. Pray for the grace of unfailing hope in His will and His promises for those who love Him. Pray for the grace of charity that you may know Christ because of His love for all people. If you have not guessed yet, we persevere by the graces God distributes to us by our 'amen' to His instructions. We persevere only when we maintain a prayer life in which we devoutly do so even when it is most difficult. You may think you can maintain without prayer but you only fool yourself as the warrior ruins himself not to armor himself before rushing into battle. Remember Christian soul, that Christ called you first and not the other way around. You didn't find Him, He has been calling you ever since you were formed in your mother's womb. The almighty, eternal, everlasting, universe creating, all-knowing, all-powerful, all-merciful, Lord and Master of all things, called you to holiness. How's that for motivation to persevere in prayer?!
Take heart, friends, your struggle does not go unnoticed as we are one body in Christ. Therefore, when one of us suffers, we all suffer together as we do when one of us is blessed, we share in this blessing. Do not be troubled that God has lead you into rough waters. Know that He did so because He knows your enemies cannot swim! So pay no attention to the storm on the troubling seas but like St. Peter, before he averted his gaze, looked upon Christ and ran out on top of the water to be with Him. Never take your gaze from Jesus and pray for the graces necessary to persevere in all things. Amen.