Huffington Post Irrevently Calls Jesus "The First Transgender Man”
05 16 , 20:51 Filed in: News

“The first couple’s (Adam and Eve) refusal to cooperate is turned around by Mary’s yes, and the second act of cloning occurs. The Holy Spirit comes upon the second Eve, and the child takes flesh from her and is born. Born of her flesh. Born with XX chromosome pairing. Born genetically female, and yet trans-formed into man.”
Notice the carnal and devoid of all piety this writer has concerning the miracles of God such as conception and creation mockingly calling it 'cloning'. Blatantly attacking the Incarnation of Our Lord, Hall explains that because Jesus did not have a human father, and only received XX chromosomes from His mother then Christ was genetically born a female and dared to use the word “trans” in transformed to further imply Christ's transgender nature. I should pray that that Ms. Hall is simply ignorant of Sacred Tradition and Scripture because if she actually professes to 'know' what she is saying then I need not concern myself with condemning her...because she has done it herself. So for the sake of Christ's mercy, let's take the stance that she is truly ignorant of her words as Christ did on the cross with those that mocked and crucified Him. That being said, this one statement seems to be the hinge on which she swings this outlandish statement against Christ's masculinity, so let's make sure Ms. Hall doesn't suffer from ignorance from this point forward.
Ms. Hall, you may think that this inclination to satisfy political and social revolution against the biological nature of men/women and by extension Jesus is prompted by the Holy Spirit but this is contrary to God's revelation to all mankind. Now, we may go round and round on your obvious progressive political views but on the Christian faith there is something called Objective Truth. You see, for two thousand years the Church has consistently taught specific teachings that was passed down from generation to generation (this is why the word Apostolic is used – as Christ's teachings are passed down from the Apostles). One of which is that the misappropriate understanding of gender identification was that of terrible offense against God and His creation. You would argue that God creates all things even those that wish to abandon their biological sex. However, even scripture speaks out against this, as painful as it might sound, there are some that are some that are created for honor and others for dishonor [Romans 9:21] and that those who do not wish to hear the truth even Christ told us:
“Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.”
But for your sake, I will assume you are not swine and are capable of hearing the truth concerning His Incarnation. When the Blessed Virgin Mary was overshadowed by the Holy Spirit, she conceived in her womb the blueprints of Divinity and her flesh and blood. Because God is spirit, yes we cannot say that God gave chromosomes however in what God had blessed Mary with is beyond human understanding. He is above all time, space, and flesh for that matter. According to your article, Ms. Hall, if we were to read Scripture literally, then Our Lord Jesus only had XX chromosomes and thus Jesus was originally a female fetus but God transformed Jesus into a male at birth. However, your very own definition of “literal interpretation” does not meet fully your assertions. Reading the Incarnation of Christ literally would reveal that it is by the power of the Holy Spirit that transcended human possibilities and thus Mary had a Son instead of a daughter or transgender child. Therefore, Christ did not “transform” into a male from a female fetus but rather was ordained by God that Mary should give birth to a Son and that He would inherit the Throne of David from his lineage to rule for all eternity. And yes, Jesus does transcend all things but no matter what clever connections you make to assert your progressive, carnal, dying ideology...God is not mocked and no one can change what God has proclaimed as Christ said,
“Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away.”