A Simple Way To Pray

By Sadeer Farjo
There are so many different ways to pray. A simple way that works for me is to read a short sentence from the Gospel, usually one that Jesus has spoke and then I pray "speak LORD for your servant is listening"1 Samuel 3:9 and "speak Lord for your adopted son is listening." Then I do just that, I listen.
Many people have a hard time listening. I am often asked how do I listen? Simply put, I stop talking, shut my mouth, and listen. When I find my mind wandering I just go back and read the Gospel verse and go back to listening.
Does God speak to me? The answer is yes. Does God speak to me with audible words? No. So then how does God speak to me? Well, it is hard to describe but many times he would reveal something that I have never found in that particular scriptural verse. I remember one time I was praying at a Eucharist adoration chapel and ran outside to grab a notebook because I believed God was telling me something and I wanted to write it down. I wrote, wrote and wrote some more and God kept revealing more.
Does God speak to me in a similar way as described above often? Believe it or not the answer is YES! In fact at times when I am just about to leave the Eucharist adoration chapel after doing my listening….God out of no where speaks to me and reveals a small portion of the scriptures to me.
Try this simple prayer technique and let me know if it works for you.
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