Nigeria Law Makes Homosexual Relationships A Crime
02 14 , 23:55 Filed in: News

The Salt Lake Tribune reports that Nigeria “imposes a 14-year prison term for anyone entering into a same-sex relationship, as well as a 10-year sentence for anyone found to support gay clubs or meetings.”
In an interview with SarahaTV the Nigeria Archbishop, Ignatius Kaigama, said “we are relieved that this bill has been passed.” The Archbishop explained that the law is not making it a crime to be homosexual; rather, it is a crime to engage in homosexual sexual acts. The Archbishop said “We are not condemning the person…but it is the act that is constituting a moral problem for us.”
The SarahaTV reporter argued that in a previous interview (not dealing with Nigeria law) the Pope was quoted saying “who I am to judge” in reference to homosexuals. In response to the SarahaTV reporter, the Archibishop explained that the Pope is right, “Only God can judge a human being." The Archbishop explained that we are not judging the human being but homosexual sexual acts.
Some Catholic might say the law is too strict, but others will mostly likely argue a firm hand is necessary sometimes. The devil is not really gently stroking us; rather, the devil is attacking us like a roaring lion.
A Bishop’s main job is to get people to heaven. That includes straight and gays individuals.