Lawfirm Gives Away a Free Divorce for Valentine's Day

The Law Offices of Walter H. Bentley III, PLLC is holding a contest this Valentine’s Day that has nothing to do with love. The lawfirm is holding a contest to determine “the most compelling and convincing story” on who deserves a divorce.
Looking at this closely, the lawfirm is only giving away “an uncontested divorce with no or minimum child custody issues.” These types of divorces are usually a low cost service; thus, it seems like nothing but a cheap marketing stunt.
What should a good Christian lawyer do?
Pope John Paul II addressed the Tribunal of the Roman Rota, on January 28, 2002. He said:
”Lawyers, as independent professionals, should always decline the use of their profession for an end that is contrary to justice, as is divorce. They can only cooperate in this kind of activity when, in the intention of the client, it is not directed to the break-up of the marriage, but to the securing of other legitimate effects that can only be obtained through such a judicial process in the established legal order (cf. Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 2383). In this way, with their work of assisting and reconciling persons who are going through a marital crises, lawyers truly serve the rights of the person and avoid becoming mere technicians at the service of any interest whatever."
“Civil divorce, for spouses who have the valid Sacrament of Marriage, is permitted under Church teaching, only in cases of grave necessity, and even then, the bond of the Sacrament of Marriage remains.” (emphasizes added). When the bond of marriage remains , couples CANNOT get “re-married”.
This contest creates an appetizing appeal to people who might not even be thinking of a divorce, but may start thinking now since it’s potentially free. This culture of death is getting sicker by the day. This lawfirm should be ashamed of themselves making a mockery of marriage and true love in an effort to promote its law practice.