12 13 , 01:00 Filed in: Eucharistic Miracles

In July of 1317, a seriously ill parishioner was in need of receipt of the sacraments. Upon arrival with the Host in a ciborium (container used to store consecrated Hosts ), the priest placed the ciborium containing the consecrated Host on a table near the door and proceeded to the bedside of the parishioner to hear his confession. Out of curiosity, a man in mortal sin removed the cover of the ciborium and picked it up. When it began to bleed, he became frightened and dropped it When the priest returned to take the Host to the ill person, he discovered the Host was stained with blood. Panic stricken and worried, he rushed to report the incident to the pastor in nearby Lumen where he was advised to take the particle to the church of the Cistercian nuns at Herkenrode which he did on August 1 and where the face of Christ, crowned with thorns, appeared on the Host, attested to by numerous witnesses. During the French Revolution, the nuns were expelled from the convent and the Host was placed in hiding, from where it was removed in 1804 and placed in the Church of St. Quentin in Hasselt.
Eucharistic Miracles, Joan Carroll Cruz