Catholic Blog
Catholic loneliness

On Loneliness


As Christ once said, “In the world you shall have distress,” or in other words, while we live on this earth we will always be faced with sufferings. Of the many crosses we are sure to bear, loneliness is one of those sufferings. Though there are many kinds of sufferings to be had which vary in severity depending on the circumstance; loneliness altogether is a silent pain. For each of us at one time or another has experienced harsh loneliness. The pain of missing companions or having no one to turn to for every day struggles or even just to talk. How are we to cope with such an emptiness especially through the eyes of the Church? As stated before, Christ did say that in this world we would have much distress but rest of that scripture reads, “but have confidence, I have overcome the world,” where that might sound 'easier-said-than-done', there is great truth in this.


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