Catholic Blog

In Arizona, Businesses Might Be Legally Required to Participate in Homosexual Celebrations

All over the country businesses are being sued , and in multiple cases sued successfully, for not taking part in homosexual celebrations.
According to the Times, businesses have been sued for the following:

New Mexico, a photographer declined to take pictures of a lesbian couple’s commitment ceremony. In Washington State, a florist would not provide flowers for a same-sex wedding. And in Colorado, a baker refused to make a cake for a party celebrating the wedding of two men.

Arizona has a chance to prevent this in its state by passing a bill that would allow business to exercise their religious believes and not participate in homosexual celebrations. However, many organizations are putting pressure on the Arizona Governor Jan Brewer to veto this bill. In fact some have suggested that a few businesses might boycott the SuperBowl which is to be held in Arizona in 2015. wrote

The question Gov. Jan Brewer faces? Should Christians, Muslims, Mormons who refuse, on religious grounds, to serve same-sex couples — that photographer, that florist, that baker, for example — be treated as criminals?

I really hope that the governor of Arizona does the right thing and tells the entire world that the freedom of individuals cannot be bought out by football.

Please contact the Arizona Governor ( and tell her businesses should be able to exercise their religious rights and not participate in homosexual celebrations.

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